The ProFiller range of capsule fillers are capable of filling between 1,300 to 9,000 capsules per hour all capsules within ± 1-2% of the average weight using USP/EP method. They are easy to operate and are up to 35% faster than similar capsule fillers, due to their patented design
Manufactured from 316L grade stainless steel, this unit is pharmacopoeia compliant, quick and easy to disassemble without any tools, and fully dishwasher safe
Change parts and a full range of accessories are available. Change
parts are offered in sizes 000-5 and all el sizes. ProFill 100 OE is
available for sizes AAA-D.
با استفاده از دکمه سفارش دهی و ارسال درخواست برای فروشنده، می توانید برای خرید این محصول به صورت عمده با فروشنده وارد مذاکره شوید. با پرداخت آنلاین وجه سفارش از ضمانت بازگشت وجه برخوردار می شوید.