کارت شبکه Micronet مدل SP150KD

تماس جهت قیمت

حداقل سفارش: 1       موجود

56K Data/Fax Modem, V,92/K56FLEX, PCMCIA.
Impressive enrichments of the latest modems are bundling both data and fax functionalities in single unit and PCMCIA interface integration. These two advancements have come together in the new Micronet SP150KD PCMCIA 56K Data/Fax Modem which is intellectually designed by the well known Micronet. It utilizes AT command set and the physical properties of it comprises of 86 x 54 x 5 mm. It is easy to connect this modem with your PC and it weighs just 105 grams. The device supports error correction technology of V.42 and MNP 2-4, data compression formats of V.42bis and MNP 5 and V.17, V.29 and V.27 fax protocols. Group 3 faxing is an added advantage of this unit. It is possible to download and upload data with data transmission rate up to 56K and 48K respectively. Maximum faxing speed of the device is measured as 14.4K. The device is offered with free Fax/Data communication software. Micronet SP150KD PCMCIA Data/Fax Modem can support telephony answering machine and it can be connected with any PCs which support any one of the following Operating Systems such as Windows 98SE/ ME / 2000 / NT / XP. Compatible data transmission technologies of the device are ITU V.92 lite, V.90, V.34, V.32, V.22bis, V.22, BEll 103 and 212A. This modem also supports PCMCIA Type II interface. Recommended temperature and humidity level for seamless performance of the unit is 0 to 50C and 5 to 95%. The FCC and CE certified unit will be perfectly suitable for high speed faxing and data transmitting usages.