مودم دیال آپ دی لینک DFM-562IS

تماس جهت قیمت

حداقل سفارش: 1       موجود

مودم Dial Up ارزان قیمت ،مناسب برای کاربران اینترنت خانگی
56K internal WIN data/fax modem V.92 Support Product Features: - High speed Internal Analog Data/Fax/Voice modem card - Plug and Play Installation - ITU-T V.92/V.90/K56flex Auto Detect - Fax Mode up to 14.4Kbps Transmission Rate Mouseover thumbnails to enlarge The DFM-562IS is a software modem card. It plugs into a PCI expansion bus slot of a desktop PC. The DFM-562IS supports voice, fax and data transmission/reception. It""s a high-performance CONEXANT-based modem card, and can be used to connect to the Internet, and for fax and voice communication