ماده nisin n5764 1gr sigma

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ماده nisin n5764 1gr sigma نسین بعنوان یک پپتید با 34 اسید آمینه، سنتز شده بوسیله لاکتوکوکوس لاکتیسInulin 9005-80-5Sigma-Aldrich code : i2255 NISIN
nisin sigma n5764 1gr Nisin binds to cell wall precursor lipid components of bacteria and disrupts cell wall production. Nisin alters the cell membrane which results in the leakage of cytoplasmic components and destruction of the proton motive force. Nisin is an antibiotic with bactericidal action. It binds to the lipid A portion of bacterial lipopolysaccharides and induces pore formation in the membranes of cortex cells from excised sorghum roots. Mode of Action: Binds to and interferes with the permeability of the cytoplasmic membrane. Antimicrobial spectrum: Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria (requires chelator such as EDTA). Nisin from Lactococcus lactis 2.5% (balance sodium chloride) Empirical Formula (Hill Notation): C143H230N42O37S7potency 1,000,000 per IU/g concentration 2.5% (balance sodium chloride) Mode of action cell membrane | interferes Gram-negative bacteria Gram-positive bacteria storage temp. 2-8C