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شیر بالانس فشار Balanced Pressure Pump Foam Porportioning System

دسته بندی محصول:  سایر محصولات مرتبط با انرژی

شیر بالانس فشار Balanced Pressure Pump Foam Porportioning System

تماس جهت قیمت

حداقل سفارش: 1       موجود

شیر بالانس فشار Balanced Pressure Pump Foam Porportioning System
Balanced Pressure Pump Foam Porportioning System Application Persian GPE balanced pressure pump proportioning systems are designed to accurately control the flow of a foam liquid concentrate into a water stream over a wide range of flow rates and pressures. These pump proportioning systems are compatible with Persian GPE foam concentrates by matching the required foam concentrate pump output to the Proportioner maximum flow demand. The balanced pressure proportioning system functions by maintaining an equal pressure in the foam concentrate and water inlets to the Proportioner. This balancing ability allows the Proportioner to be used over a wide range of flows and pressures. The system will also respond quickly and accurately to changes in the water inlet pressures and flow rates. The system operates by passing the required portion of foam concentrate from a positive displacement pump to a venturi Proportioner with the remaining portion recirculation through a diaphragm valve in the return line to the tank. The diaphragm valve senses and balances the pressures in the foam concentrate and water lines to the Proportioner. The foam concentrate then enters the Proportioner where a built-in orifice regulates the flow of pressurized foam concentrate entering the water stream. The skid units are available sizes ranging from 2 to 10 in. Each unit consists of a positive displacement foam pump with electric motor and starter; various control, drain, and check valves; pressure balancing diaphragm valve; duplex gauge; foam Proportioner; interconnecting brass pipe; and stainless steel valve identification and system instruction name-plates. The entire assembly is mounted on a steel skid and available with either enamel or corrosion-resistant polyamide epoxy finish.