تعمیر پمپ مادر کد 0008

دسته بندی محصول:  واشر ها ( درزگیر )

تماس جهت قیمت

حداقل سفارش: 1       ناموجود

پمپ های مادر دستگاه های پمپ بتن زمینی و دکل بر اساس قدرت و پلان دستگاه تولید میشوند که محبوبترین آن پمپ کتابی 107 یا رینگی 107 در پمپ های بتن زمینی و ریکسروت 125 الی 260 در پمپ های دکل استفاده میشود
پمپ پیستونی رکسروت یکی از بهترین و معتبرترینپمپهای هیدرولیک فشار قوی در دنیا است. تنوع بالا در ساختار و همچنین کیفیت عالی ساخت باعث شده است طراحان و مهندسان هیدرولیک و مکانیک صنعتی و راهسازی از پمپهای پیستونی رکسروت به طور وسیعی در دستگاههای خود استفاده کنند. شرکت رکسروت پمپ پیستونی هیدرولیک را با ساختار صفحه خمیده (swash plate) و محور خمیده (bent axis) برای فشارهای متوسط و فشارهای بالا هیدرولیک طراحی و ساخته شدهاند.پمپ پیستونی رکسروتیکی از گرانترین و باکیفیتترین پمپهای هیدرولیک است. نگهداری و تعمیر پمپ پیستونی رکسروت از اهمیت ویژهای برخوردار است که در ادامه به آن اشاره خواهیم کرد. چرا باید پمپهای هیدرولیک پیستونی رکسروت را تعمیر کنیم؟ پمپ هیدرولیک پیستونی REXROTH یکی از باکیفیتترین و گرانترین پمپهای هیدرولیک است. سرویسهای دورهای، تعمیر و نگهداری از این پمپ هیدرولیک در هر سیستم هیدرولیکی از اهمیت ویژهای برخوردار است و به سلامت و طول عمر پمپ بسیار کمک میکند. در صورت بروز هر نوع مشکلات احتمالی مشورت با متخصصین هیدرولیک بهترین راهکار است. شرکت بوش رکسروت آلمان با تنوع زیاد در انواع پمپ پیستونی رکسروت هیدرولیک را در طرح و نحوه نصب، دامنه عملکرد در خروجی سیال و گزینههای تنظیم در قسمتهای مختلف، راه حلهای ایدهآلی برای سیستمهای هیدرولیک مدار باز و مدار بسته هیدرولیک ارائه داده است.سرویسهای دورهای، تعمیر و نگهداری از این پمپ هیدرولیک فشار قوی در هر سیستم هیدرولیکی از اهمیت ویژهای برخوردار است و به سلامت و طول عمر پمپ بسیار کمک میکند. قبل و بعد از سرویس و تعمیر یک پمپ، باید علت خرابی آن پمپ پیستونی مشخص شود تا بعد از نصب دوباره به پمپ تعمیر شده آسیب وارد نشود. علت خرابی در پمپهای پیستونی رکسروت چیست؟ علت استهلاک سریع سریع قطعات سیستم هیدرولیک و مخصوصا پمپهای پیستونی، وابسته به ایراد در قسمتهای مختلف سیستم هیدرولیک است. که به ترتیب برخی از موارد مهم آن را نام میبریم: فرسوده شدن بش از حد روغن هیدرولیک در اثر کار زیاد و آلودگی محیطی و همچنین نداشتن آنالیز روغن پس از کارکرد طولانی عدم وجود فیلتر مناسب در سیستم و خطوط هیدرولیک استفاده از روغن هیدرولیک نامناسب و غیراستاندارد بالا بودن فشار سیستم هیدرولیک و عدم رعایت نکات فنی برای تنظیم فشار نصب نادرست پمپ هیدرولیک رکسروت و وجود نیروهای بیش از حد روی شافت پمپ رکسروت نفوذ هوا از نواحی مکش مختلف به داخل پمپ هیدرولیک رکسروت قطعات تشکیلدهنده پمپهای پیستونی رکسروت پمپ های پیستونی با دارا بودن تعدادی پیستون، در بخشی از سیکل حرکتی، سیال را از ورودی پمپ به درون پیستونها مکش میکنند و در ادامه حرکت با تخلیه همان پیستون، سیال را به سمت خروجی پمپ و درون سیستم جاری میکنند. پمپ های پیستونی به خاطر راندمان بالا جزو پمپای پرمصرف سیستم هیدرولیک به شمار میآیند. در ساختار همهی پمپ های پیستونی محور خمیده و صفحه خمیده بوش رکسروت، یک سری قطعات مشترک وجود دارد. تعدادیپیستون انگشتیکه با توجه به ساختار و سایز پمپ، تعداد و اندازه آن تغییر میکند. یک عددروتورکه پیستون انگشتیها درون آن قرار میگیرند و با حرکت درون آن عمل مکش و دهش سیال را انجام دهند. یک عددپیستون گیرکه وظیفه آن ثابت نگهداشتن انگشتیها روی روتور است. یک عددولو پلیتکه به عمل مکش و دهش پمپ کمک میکند. شافت خروجی پمپ، پوسته پمپ، انواع بلبرینگ و رولبرینگ و مدلهای مختلف پمپ پیستونی هیدرولیک رکسروت پمپ پیستونی هیدرولیک رکسروت را میتوان به روش های مختلف از نظر عملکرد و سایز تقسیمبندی کرد. در یک تقسیمبندی ساده، پمپهای پیستونی هیدرولیک رکسروت را میتوان به جابجایی (دبی) ثابت و جابجایی (دبی) متغیر تقسیم کرد. همچنین پمپهای پیستونی را به دو مدل محور خمیده و صفحه خمیده تقسم میشوند. مدار باز (OPEN LOOP) و مدار بسته (CLOSE LOOP) بودن یک تقسیم بندی دیگر است. طبق تقسم خود شرکت رکسروت، پمپهای پیستونی رکسروت فشار قوی به سه دسته زیر تقسیم میشوند. تعمیر انواع پمپ پیستونی رکسروت هیدشاپ پمپ پیستونی رکسروت جابجایی (دبی) ثابت در این دسته، پمپهای پیستونی محور خمیده و صفحه خمیده قرار میگیرند. کدهایی نظیر A4FO ، A10FZO ،A10FZG وA2FO همگی جابجایی ثابتی در هر دور چرخش پیستونها دارند. فشار بالا و قوی و راندمان بالا و قیمت اقتصادیتر نسبت به بقیه پمپهای رکسروت از ویژگی این سری از پمپ پیستونی رکسروت است. پمپ پیستونی رکسروت جابجایی (دبی) متغیر مدار باز در این دسته، پمپهای پیستونی رکسروت با صفحه خمیده (مایل) قرار داردند. مدار (حلقه) باز بودن آنها وابستگی آنها به مخزن استاندارد و حجم چند برابری هیدرولیک را تعین میکند. کدهایی نظیر A1VO A4VBO A4VHO A4VSO A7VO- A10VO A10VZO A10VSOهمگی با صفحه مایل، تغییرات جابجایی در هر دور چرخش، راندمان بالا و قیمت بالا از ویژگی این سری از پمپ پیستونی رکسروت است. پمپ پیستونی رکسروت جابجایی (دبی) متغیر مدار بسته در این دسته، پمپهای پیستونی رکسروت با صفحه خمیده (مایل) قرار داردند. مدار (حلقه) بسته بودن آنها عدم وابستگی آنها به مخزن حجیم و چند برابری هیدرولیک را تعین میکند. کدهایی A4VSG A4CSG A10VZG نظیر همگی با صفحه مایل، تغییرات جابجایی در هر دور چرخش، راندمان بالا و قیمت بسیار بالا از ویژگی این سری از پمپ پیستونی رکسروت است. هر کدام از پمپهای هیدرولیک پیستونی رکسروت فوق با داشتن صفحه خمیده و محور خمیده، کارایی بسیار بالایی در سیستمهای فشار متوسط هیدرولیک و فشار قوی هیدرولیک دارند. انتخاب هر یک از پمپها نیازمند مطالعه دقیق و کامل کاتالوگ هرکدام و دارا بودن تجربه کافی از عملکرد آنها در سیستمهای مختلف هیدرولیک است. تعمیر و سرویس دورهای پمپهای هیدرولیک پیستونی رکسروت سرویسهای دورهای و نگهداری از پمپ پیستونی هیدرولیک در هر سیستم هیدرولیکی از اهمیت ویژهای برخوردار است و به سلامت و طول عمر پمپ بسیار کمک میکند. در صورت بروز هر نوع مشکلات احتمالی مشورت با متخصصین هیدرولیک بهترین راهکار است. ساختار پیچیده و دقیق پمپهای پیستونی، تعمیرات و سرویس آنها را به یک تیم متخصص وابسته کرده است. تعمیرات تخصصی پمپ هیدرولیک پیستونی رکسروت همراه با ضمانتنامه کتبی عملکرد و یکی دیگر خدمات ما است. Rexroth Hydraulic Pump A10VO Series User Manual Functional Purpose This pump is preferred over a fixed displacement (gear) pump for many reasons. A fixed displacement pump delivers a set volume of oil for each revolution of its drive shaft. Any of this fluid flow that is not required, by the hydraulic system, is sent back to the oil reservoir over a restriction. This oil flow times the pressure difference (between the system and the reservoir) is power that has been drawn from the engine and turned into heat. The heat generated is a direct indication of fuel wasted and of unnecessary wear and tear on the hydraulic fluid, and thus on the hydraulic system's mechanical components. On the other hand, this variable displacement pump monitors (senses) by way of a small hydraulic line connecting it to the control valves the power requirement (load) on your hydraulic system and provides just enough fluid flow and pressure to meet your system's immediate need. This means that the pump can be left running constantly and as your system's requirement changes the pump will simply adjust itself accordingly. By doing this, energy is not wasted away in the form of heat; translating into fuel savings for you and less wear and tear in your hydraulic system. An adjustable pressure limit is also built onto the pump. It operates by reducing the output flow all the way to zero if necessary keeping the pressure supply to your hydraulic system from ever going too high. Different maximum displacements (sizes) with standard mounting flanges are available to match the needs of your system. Also, various combinations of drive shafts (splined or keyed), rotation directions (left hand or right hand) and port locations (rear or side) can be chosen to facilitate your particular installation requirements (Direct engine mounting as well as transmission power take off mounting can be accommodated). Contact Concord Road Equipment for any application or system questions you may have. Variable displacement swash plate design axial piston pump Housing Control Piston Input Shaft Swash Plate Control Valve Assembly Pistons (x7) Axial piston pumps model A10V0 are swash plate design variable displacement pumps. As illustrated by the picture under functional purpose they basically consist of a housing (1), control pistons (2) located inside cylinder barrel, drive shaft (3), swash plate (4), a control valve assembly (5), and pistons (6) This piston pump smoothly and continuously varies its displacement (volumetric output size), by altering the angle of its swash plate. As your system operates, valves monitor the load pressures on the systems cylinders and/or motors and control the swash plate accordingly. The greater the angle of the swash plate, relative to the drive shaft, the further the pistons stroke in and out creating greater fluid flow. There are two control valves, located in a removable housing, bolted to the pump. The standard type of control used is referred as flow and pressure compensator, type DFR. The flow and pressure compensator, matches pump output flow and pressure to system demand. This control will automatically regulate the pump displacement to deliver the flow required to maintain a constant pressure drop across a valve spool or other flow limiting device. When there is no system demand, the pump stands by at zero flow and low pressure. When the system demands flow, the pump delivers only the flow required by the system, at a pressure required to move the load. To protect the system from infinite load pressures, the pressure compensator section of the control will cause the pump to automatically de-stroke when the pre adjusted maximum system pressure is reached. Flow and pressure compensator valve Standby pressure adjustment screw Maximum pressure adjustment screw Gauge test port Connections to pump control piston Cautions and Warnings Always read all instructions thoroughly and familiarize yourself with the equipment before operating or attempting repairs or service. Observe all caution and warning statements in the applicable manual and on the equipment. Always use extreme caution when working with any pressurized system. Always be aware of other persons and/or equipment in the immediate area and the hazards involved. Be prepared to immediately shut down the truck and/or hydraulic system if required, especially during initial startup and testing. The equipment must be assembled and serviced by a trained mechanic or technician. Ensure only properly trained individuals should operate the equipment. Always use personal protection equipment, such as eye and ear protection, when indicated by the instructions or by the work environment. Always operate equipment safely and within its rated capacity and performance range. Hydraulic fluid in the human bloodstream can be fatal. If hydraulic fluid penetrates the skin under pressure, seek medical attention immediately! Hydraulic oil, solvents, and pipe sealers may cause skin irritation and rashes. Avoid lengthy exposure to these materials. Wash your hands thoroughly after contact with oils, solvents, and other chemicals. Remove clothing that is saturated with oil. Do not operate equipment that is damaged or in need of maintenance. Repair equipment as soon as problems are identified. A component supported by an actuator will drop if the actuator or its pressure supply fails, or if the actuator control is accidentally engaged. If you are under the component when it drops, you will be killed or seriously injured. Always return an actuated component to its rest position or support it by other means before working under the component. If an actuated component such as a dump box or plow must be raised for service, it must be supported by some means other than the actuator. Use body props, blocks, or stands to support the component. Never attempt to support a "loaded" dump body for service. The body must be empty. Use tools that are suited to the task, and keep your tools in good repair. Use proper lifting equipment when moving or installing heavy components. Keep your work area clean and safe. Always clean up any spills immediately and properly dispose of the material in the designated refuse container. Always shut off the vehicle engine and disconnect pump electrical power before working on the hydraulic system. Concord Road Equipment Mfg., Inc. is not responsible or liable for injury, damage, or loss caused by improper installation by the end user, misuse of the equipment, lack of maintenance, accidents, or failure to follow instructions. In cases where equipment application was determined by the end user, Concord Road Equipment Mfg., Inc. is not responsible or liable for injury, damage, or loss caused by misapplication of this equipment. Specifications, parts descriptions, illustrations, and instructions in this manual were accurate at the time of publication. Concord Road Equipment Mfg., Inc. reserves the right to discontinue products and to change specifications and/or designs at any time without notice and without incurring any obligation. Specifications of standard variable axial piston pumps A10VO60DFR/52R-PUC61NOO Standard application: PTO driven, direct mount, usually driven at 130% of engine speed Part number 139175 General specifications Weight 50 lbs. Displacement 3.66 C.I. (60 CC) per revolution Nominal pressure 3600 psi Peak pressure 4500 psi Maximum speed at max nominal pressure 2700 RPM Rotation (viewed from shaft end) Clockwise Input shaft 1,15T splined shaft, SAE BB Mount SAE B, 2-bolt Operating temperature -20 to 160 degrees Fahrenheit Filtration required Inlet: 100 mesh screen Return: 10 micron absolute return filter Calculated specifications Volume output at 1000 rpm (nominal pressure) 15.8 gallons per minute Volume output at 1300 rpm (nominal pressure) 20.6 gallons per minute Connection porting Inlet connection port SAE 2" flange, code 61, rear facing Outlet connection port SAE 1" flange, code 61, rear facing Load sense connection port SAE - 4 Case drain connection port SAE - 10 Recommended Hose Sizes Inlet SAE 32R4, 2" wire reinforced Outlet SAE 100R16, 1 hose for pressures up to 2000 psi SAE 100R12, 1 hose for pressures above 2000 psi Case Drain SAE 100R16, hose Load Sense SAE 100R16, 3/8 hose A10VO60DFR/52L-PUC62NOO Standard application: Front engine driven with drive shaft off of engine crank adaptor Part number 147074 General specifications Weight 50 lbs. Displacement 3.66 C.I. (60 CC) per revolution Nominal pressure 3600 psi Peak pressure 4500 psi Maximum speed at max nominal pressure 2700 RPM Rotation (viewed from shaft end) Counter-Clockwise Input shaft 1-1/4 keyed shaft Mount SAE B, 2-bolt Operating temperature -20 to 160 degrees Fahrenheit Filtration required Inlet: 100 mesh screen Return: 10 micron absolute return filter Calculated specifications Volume output at 1000 rpm (nominal pressure) 15.8 gallons per minute Volume output at 1300 rpm (nominal pressure) 20.6 gallons per minute Connection porting Inlet connection port SAE 2" flange, code 61, side facing max torque 45 ft-lbs Outlet connection port SAE 1" flange, code 61, side facing max torque 95 ft-lbs Load sense connection port SAE 4; 7/8-14UNF-2B max torque 30 ft-lbs Case drain connection port SAE 10; 7/16-20UNF-2B max torque 175 ft-lbs Recommended Hose Sizes Inlet SAE 32R4, 2" wire reinforced Outlet SAE 100R16, 1 hose for pressures up to 2000 psi SAE 100R12, 1 hose for pressures above 2000 psi Case Drain SAE 100R16, hose Load Sense SAE 100R16, 3/8 hose A10V071DFR/31L-PKC92NOO Standard application: Front engine driven with drive shaft off of engine crankshaft adaptor Part number 103616 General specifications Weight 73 lbs. Displacement 4.33 C.I. (71 CC) per revolution Nominal pressure 4000 psi Peak pressure 5000 psi Maximum speed at max nominal pressure 2200 RPM Rotation (viewed from shaft end) Counter-Clockwise Input shaft 1-1/4 shaft with 5/16 key Mount SAE C, 2-bolt Operating temperature -20 to 160 degrees Fahrenheit Filtration required Inlet: 100 mesh screen Return: 10 micron absolute return filter Calculated specifications Volume output at 1000 rpm (nominal pressure) 18.75 gallons per minute Connection porting Inlet connection port SAE 2" flange, code 61, side facing max torque 45 ft-lbs Outlet connection port SAE 1" flange, code 61, side facing max torque 95 ft-lbs Load sense connection port SAE 4; 7/8-14UNF-2B max torque 30 ft-lbs Case drain connection port SAE 10; 7/16-20UNF-2B max torque 175 ft-lbs Recommended Hose Sizes Inlet SAE 32R4, 2" wire reinforced Outlet SAE 100R16, 1 hose for pressures up to 2000 psi SAE 100R12, 1 hose for pressures above 2000 psi Case Drain SAE 100R16, hose Load Sense SAE 100R16, 3/8 hose A10V071DFR/31R-PKC91NOO Standard application: PTO driven, remote mount with drive shaft Part number 149312 General specifications Weight 73 lbs. Displacement 4.33 C.I. (71 CC) per revolution Nominal pressure 4000 psi Peak pressure 5000 psi Maximum speed at max nominal pressure 2200 RPM Rotation (viewed from shaft end) Clockwise Input shaft 1-1/4 shaft with 5/16 key Mount SAE C, 2-bolt Operating temperature -20 to 160 degrees Fahrenheit Filtration required Inlet: 100 mesh screen Return: 10 micron absolute return filter Calculated specifications Volume output at 1000 rpm (nominal pressure) 18.75 gallons per minute Connection porting Inlet connection port SAE 2" flange, code 61, side facing max torque 45 ft-lbs Outlet connection port SAE 1" flange, code 61, side facing max torque 95 ft-lbs Load sense connection port SAE 4; 7/8-14UNF-2B max torque 30 ft-lbs Case drain connection port SAE 10; 7/16-20UNF-2B max torque 175 ft-lbs Recommended Hose Sizes Inlet SAE 32R4, 2" wire reinforced Outlet SAE 100R16, 1 hose for pressures up to 2000 psi SAE 100R12, 1 hose for pressures above 2000 psi Case Drain SAE 100R16, hose Load Sense SAE 100R16, 3/8 hose A10V074DFR/31L-PKC92NOO Standard application: Front engine driven with drive shaft off of engine crankshaft adaptor Part number R902401335-001 General specifications Weight 73 lbs. Displacement 4.52 C.I. (74 CC) per revolution Nominal pressure 4000 psi Peak pressure 5000 psi Maximum speed at max nominal pressure 2200 RPM Rotation (viewed from shaft end) Counter-Clockwise Input shaft 1-1/4 shaft with 5/16 key Mount SAE C, 2-bolt Operating temperature -20 to 160 degrees Fahrenheit Filtration required Inlet: 100 mesh screen Return: 10 micron absolute return filter Calculated specifications Volume output at 1000 rpm (nominal pressure) 19.54 gallons per minute Connection porting Inlet connection port SAE 2" flange, code 61, side facing max torque 45 ft-lbs Outlet connection port SAE 1" flange, code 61, side facing max torque 95 ft-lbs Load sense connection port SAE 4; 7/8-14UNF-2B max torque 30 ft-lbs Case drain connection port SAE 10; 7/16-20UNF-2B max torque 175 ft-lbs Recommended Hose Sizes Inlet SAE 32R4, 2" wire reinforced Outlet SAE 100R16, 1 hose for pressures up to 2000 psi SAE 100R12, 1 hose for pressures above 2000 psi Case Drain SAE 100R16, hose Load Sense SAE 100R16, 3/8 hose A10VO100DFR/31L-PKC62N00 Standard application: Front engine driven with drive shaft off of engine crankshaft adaptor Part number 130924 General specifications Weight 100 lbs. Displacement 6.1 C.I. (100 CC) per revolution Nominal pressure 4000 psi Peak pressure 5000 psi Maximum speed at max nominal pressure 2000 RPM Rotation (viewed from shaft end) Counter-Clockwise Input shaft 1-1/2 shaft with 3/8 key Mount SAE C, 2-bolt Operating temperature -20 to 160 degrees Fahrenheit Filtration required Inlet: 100 mesh screen Return: 10 micron absolute return filter Calculated specifications Volume output at 1000 rpm (nominal pressure) 26.4 gallons per minute Connection porting Inlet connection port SAE 2-1/2" flange, code 61, side facing Outlet connection port SAE 1-1/4" flange, code 62, side facing Load sense connection port SAE - 4 Case drain connection port SAE - 12 Recommended Hose Sizes Inlet Minimum SAE 32R4, 2" wire reinforced Outlet Minimum SAE 100R16, 1 hose for pressures up to 2000 psi SAE 100R12, 1 hose for pressures above 2000 psi Case Drain SAE 100R16, hose Load Sense SAE 100R16, 3/8 hose HYDRAULIC PUMP COMMISSIONING INSTRUCTIONS Ensure all components are flushed clean and free of grit and dirt. Fill the hydraulic oil reservoir and pump through a filter to avoid adding contamination to the hydraulic system. IMPORTANT NOTE: Fill the pump case to the highest case drain or vent port. Use clean filtered fluid. A pump of this construction relies on the oil it is pumping to provide lubrication for its moving parts. Never run an A10VO series pump dry, it will be instantly damaged. Ensure all hoses, fittings, and couplers are tightened correctly. If the system is equipped with a cartridge style shut off in the main pressure line from the hydraulic pump to the valve, remove the shutdown coil and cartridge and install a SAE o-ring seal plug in its place. If the system is equipped with shutoff valves in the suction, pressure or return circuits, check and be sure that all are open for flow. Install a pressure gauge in the pressure line from the pump (this can be easily accomplished by installing a gauge into the test port in the bottom of the compensator. See compensator figure for test port location. Some valves may be equipped with a gauge port for this purpose, contact Concord Road Equipment for details about the equipment you are working on.) IMPORTANT NOTE: Failure to use proper adaptors or properly rated test equipment can cause component failure or personal bodily injury. Contact Concord Road Equipment for the proper adaptor to install a gauge in the compensator or any other hydraulic test equipment you might need. Remove both caps (if applicable) and loosen both jam nuts on the compensator adjustment screws. Use a 17mm wrench if your compensator has caps on the adjustments screws, or a 13mm wrench if your compensator does not have caps over the adjustment screws. Using a 3mm hexagonal key, turn the maximum pressure adjustment screw on the pump compensator counter clockwise as far as possible. IMPORTANT NOTE: New and rebuilt pumps are tested for performance at very high pressure; failure to adjust this pressure to match your system requirements may cause component failure, hoses to rupture, and personal bodily injury. Since air has been introduced into the suction side of the hydraulic system either because this is the first time starting or because of replacing the pump, the air must be bled off to allow pump fluid to be pumped. Air will not automatically flow through because the valve has a closed center design, meaning that no fluid flows unless a function is activated. Bleeding air can be accomplished in a number of different ways, either by directing the main pressure line back to the reservoir, by loosening the main pressure line fitting until pump fully primes, or by activating a free flowing spreader function like the spinner circuit. IMPORTANT NOTE: Loose connections or lines can be extremely dangerous, as can be hydraulic fluid under pressure. Take extreme caution to prevent injuries during this process. Start truck and engage pump / PTO (If applicable) Allow pump to run for a few moments and fully prime. Shut the system down, re-assemble any hoses or connection changed during step 9 Using a 3mm hexagonal key, turn the standby pressure adjustment screw on the pump compensator counter clockwise as far as possible. Re-start truck and engage pump / PTO (If applicable) HYDRAULIC PUMP COMMISSIONING INSTRUCTIONS (Continued from previous page) Using a 3mm hexagonal key, turn the standby pressure adjustment screw on the pump compensator clockwise as far as possible. Observe the gauge reading while using a 3mm hexagonal key to turn the maximum pressure adjustment screw clockwise slowly. If gauge reading does not change within the first few rotations, stop and start the process from step 1 again Turn the maximum pressure adjustment screw clockwise slowly until the gauge reads the correct setting for maximum system pressure. Then lock the jam nut and double check that the setting did not change. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do not know the proper setting for maximum system pressure, contact technical support at Concord Road Equipment Turn the standby pressure adjustment screw counter clockwise while observing the pressure gauge. The pressure reading will drop off rapidly at first then slowly. Adjust the pressure to between 350 to 400 PSI. Then lock the jam nut and double check that the setting did not change. Run the system under load until oil reaches operating temperature (Should not exceed 140F) and check all functions for leaks. Ensure there is still a sufficient quantity of oil in the reservoir now that all lines are full. IMPORTANT NOTE: Erratic operation may indicate there is still air trapped in the system. By working control valves both ways the remaining air can be eliminated. The system is free of air when all functions can be operated smoothly and the oil in the reservoir shows no foam on the surface.