تاکوژنراتور مدل TACHO GT7.08 برند Baumer
Technical data - electrical ratings
Reversal tolerance 0.1%
Linearity tolerance 0.15%
Temperature coefficient 0.05%/K (open-circuit)
Isolation class B
Calibration tolerance 3%
Climatic test Humid heat, constant
(IEC 60068-2-3, Ca)
Performance 2x 20 W (speed 2000 rpm)
Armature-circuit time-constant
Open-circuit voltage 20...200 mV per rpm
Interference immunity EN 61000-6-2
Emitted interference EN 61000-6-3
Approval CE
Technical data - mechanical design
Size (flange) 120mm
Shaft type 14...18mm solid shaft
Flange B5, B5k, B5s, B10 and B10w flange
Protection DINEN60529 IP55
Operating speed 6000rpm
Torque 4.1Ncm
Rotor moment of inertia 0.6kgcm
Admitted shaft load 80N axial
100N radial
Materials Housing: steel
Shaft: stainless steel
Operating temperature -30...+130C
Resistance IEC 60068-2-6
Vibration 10g, 10-2000 Hz
IEC 60068-2-27
Shock 100g, 6 ms
Weight approx. 10kg
Connection Terminal box