آنالیزور حرارتی همزمان STA650

دسته بندی محصول:  سایر لوازم آزمایشگاهی

تماس جهت قیمت

حداقل سفارش: 1       موجود

تغییرات فیزیکی یک نمونه خاص را به عنوان تابعی از دما می توان اندازه گیری کرد- تغییر در جرم- نقطه انتقال شیشه ای-دمای تجزیه-پایداری حرارتی-پایداری اکسید اسیون-آنتالپی واکنش-گرمای ویژه-و نمودارهای فاز
آنالیزور حرارتی همزمان STA650 Hardware Features: USB Interface " 24 bit resolution on temperature, delta T and weight " Vertical hangdown system. " True simultaneous measurement of DSC and TGA " Option to measure TGA only in a high capacity mode " 3 furnace options 650C, 1200C, 1500C " DSC and DTA , K or R type Hangdowns " Small swept volume 7.5 ml (Furnace Cup) " Dual purge system " Motor driven furnace " Evolved gas compatible " Optional 4 gas selector system " Direct sample measurement " Multiple calibrations " Water cooled furnace " LN2 option for low temperature furnace " Instrument Temperature range -125 to 1500 with optional furnaces. " Infinity Pro software with advanced analysis features " Multiple module operation " Ability to run other manufacturers instruments on the same system. Software features: Real time color display of data collection Auto and manual Scaling Time versus temperature profiles First and second derivative plots Analysis save features Background data collection Built in help manual Individual segment display Copy to clipboard Multiple curve overlay ASCII export Data smoothing Baseline file subtraction Y-axis shift operation Subfile operations Custom display configuration User selectable units Label data points Replot versus time or temperature Multiple point calibrations Peak integration Fused peak analysis Onset and peak temperature determination 2 or 6 point Glass transition analysis DSC crystallinity Baseline slope correction 2 or 6 point Weight loss analysis Step Weight loss analysis Weight loss onset Residue calculation